Friday, 20 May 2011

It's not all bad!

After reading my last couple of posts I have realised that I haven't added any of the good stuff.  It was hard going through it but we had great support.

Rob is the most wonderful man I have ever known.  He can make mole hills out of mountains, he tends to see when I am freaking out and calm me down instantly, mainly by taking the piss!
He is the best dad.  I didn't have my dad in my life when I was young and therefore never really knew how a dad could be.  Rob's dad died when he was in his early teens so Rob had experience of what being a good dad was, and he does it brilliantly.  Our children adore him, Georgi smiles as soon as he walks into a room and Josh jumps all over him!
I cant tell you how much I love him, it's hard to put that amount of love into words. 
He is the only man I know that can sit and eat a pack of 12 minced pies with 4 pints of milk and have no consequences, apart from little puffs of Christmas the next day (his words, not mine).  He is also the only man that can be as rude to my mum as he is to me and get away with it.  They lived together when I was in hospital with Georgi, so now they call each other Roomies.

If I ever have a problem, I call my mum.  I speak to her every day.  She is another person I could not live without.  So it's a good thing she gets on well with Rob! 
When Georgia was ill I never showed anyone how hard I truly found it apart from her, she is and always will be my support, I sometimes thought I was leaning on her a bit too much.  I would phone her in tears, but bless her, I know she was thinking that being miles away she couldn't help, but she did, just by listening.  When I was in labour with Georgi mum nipped out of the room to phone someone just as I needed to push!  We had to get the midwife to track her down while I was trying to stop pushing!  Don't worry though, she didn't miss it. 
That is the thing about my mum, she never misses it, ever.  She was there when Josh was born, she was there when we got married, she was there when Georgia came into the world and she was there when Georgia nearly left it again.
The other thing you should know about my mum is she is a complete numpty.  Her texting ability is second to none, she blames it on having 'fat fingers and a touch screen phone', I blame it on her numptiness.  She makes me laugh, especially when she texts me saying she 'has pissed my blog all round the office'...........'PASSED, I MEAN PASSED'
When I told my Mum and Marc about Georgia's condition they were devastated and have done everything they possibly could to support us.

Rob's mum has been wonderful too.  She works in Southampton so when Georgia was on the Ocean Ward she would come straight from work to keep me company.  Some Saturdays she went over there to give me a day off to see Josh and Rob.  She spends every weekend with us now, which I enjoy as she was there through the good and the bad, it is good to talk to her about the hospital bit. 

Georgia is a lucky girl to have all these wonderful people in her life.

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